Java Training in Chennai offered by IT STU2PRO is corporate training, rated as No 1 Java Training Institute in Chennai will help students & professionals to develop a deep understanding of Java Programming and get a high paying Career as a Java Developer.
- Java is one of the most popular and widely used languages for programming, as it is easy to learn.
- Java has powerful tools that can be used; it is platform-independent.
- As a Java developer, you must constantly collaborate with other professionals, which helps develop other skills.
Course Highlights and Why Java Training in Chennai at IT STU2PRO?
- IT STU2PRO is the only institution who provided corporate training in Market. Taining will based on real time work experienced based training which adheres to the blended learning approach and provides students with a combination of theoretical and practical knowledge of Java programming practices.
- Expertly designed Java Course modules to meet the global industry requirements.
- Regular Recap sessions of the previous Java classes are provided to strengthen your skills.
- IT STU2PRO provides Java Courses at an affordable cost with certification upon successful completion of the course.
- We offer flexible batch timings, including weekend, weekday, and fast-track batches.
- IT STU2PRO provides 100% Placement assistance after successful completion of the Java Training In Chennai.
- Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals
- Structure of a Java Program
Data Types
- Primitive data types
- Reference Data Types
- Keywords, Identifiers, Expressions
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Logical Operators
- Relational Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Variables
- Declaration, Definition, Types Methods
- Syntax, Types
- Object – Object Creation, Reference, Reference Variables
- Pass by Value and Pass by Reference
- Access Specifiers
- Access Levels
- Decision Making and Control Structures
- String, String Buffer, String Builder Java Beans
- Declaring and defining arrays
- Primitive Arrays
- Object Arrays
- Is-A Relationship
- Has-A Relationship
- Inheritance using extends keyword
- Inheritance using implements Keyword
- Abstraction using abstract classes
- Abstraction using interfaces
- Interfaces Vs Classes
- Nested Interfaces
- Interface as a type
- Overloading
- Constructor overloading
- Overloading between classes
- Overriding
Exception Handling
- Exception
- Categories of Exception, Exception hierarchy
- Throw and throws keywords
- Try catch and finally keywords
Collection Framework
- Core Interfaces
- Core Classes
- Iterator
- Comparable & Comparator
- Auto boxing · Unboxing
- Primitive Casting
- Reference Casting
- Up casting and down casting
File Handling
- File Handling in Java
- Files, Streams, Types of Streams
- Thread Life Cycle
- Thread States
- Creating Threads
- Threads Priorities
- Thread Groups
- Synchronization
Inner Classes
- Nested Classes
- Anonymous Classes
Java Enterprise Edition (JEE)
Overview of J2EE and WWW
The HTTP Protocol and Web Application Introduction Environment Setup
- What is a Servlet?
- Servlet Lifecycle, Configuring a Servlet, Types of Servlet
- Servlet Context
- Servlet Config
- Deployment descriptor
- Session Management
Java Server Pages (JSP)
- JSP Lifecycle
- Servlets vs JSP
- Scriptlets
- Directives
- Declaration
- Sessions
- Mixing Scriptlets and HTML
- Tag Libraries
- Beans and Forms Processing
MVC Architecture
- Database Setup (MySQL)
- Overview
- JDBC Driver Types
- How JDBC Works
- Steps Involved
- JDBC Process details
- Queries
- Prepared Statements
- Callable Statements
Spring and Spring Boot Framework
Spring: Introduction
- What is Spring
- Advantages of the Spring Framework
- Spring Framework Architecture and Spring Modules
- Java and Spring Configuration
Spring: Core Container
- Components of Spring Core
- Object Coupling – Tight and Loose Coupling
- Dependency Injection (DI)
- Types of DI
- Concepts and Implementation of Inversion of Controls (IoC)
- Spring Bean – Properties, Scope, Method, Bean Lifecycle
- DI with Bean
- Spring BeanFactory
Wiring Beans
- AutoWiring Beans
- Understanding the Default AutoWiring
- AutoWiring by Name and AutoWiring by Constructors
- Annotations in Spring
- Dependency Injection using Annotations
- Wiring Bean with Annotations
- Introduction to Spring Expression Language (SPEL)
- SPEL Operators
- Implementing Annotations with SPEL
Spring: Data Access and Integration
- Data Access with Spring using JDBC
- JDBC Templates
- Data Access Object Patterns (DAO) and Bean
- Querying Database and Binding the Variables
- Handling Database Exceptions
- Executing Update and Delete Statements
- Batch Update data
- Database Transactions
- Transactions Management with Spring
Spring: Web Layer
- Spring Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture
- Components of MVC
- Setting Up a Spring MVC Application
- The Purpose of Dispatcher Servlets
- Spring Controllers
- Spring View Resolvers
- Adding Data using Spring Data Models
- Creating and Managing Forms in Spring
- Managing File Uploads
- Apache Tiles Integration
Spring: Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
- Limitations of Object Oriented Programming
- Introduction to Aspect Oriented Programming
- Advantages of AOP
- Terminologies Associated with AOP
- Aspects
- “Advice” to Aspects
- Types of Advice – Before, After, Around, Others
- Creating Annotations based Aspects
- Point Cut Expressions – “Within”, “This”, “Target”
- Point Cut Designators
- AspectJ
Spring: Security
- Securing Applications with Spring Security
- Spring Security Filters
- Configuring Authentications
- Spring Authorizations
- “Remember Me” Functionality
Spring: Boot
- Introduction to Spring Boot
- Features of Spring Boot
- The Spring Boot Project Structure
- The Spring Boot Initializr
- Spring Boot Actuator
- Configuring the Spring Boot Server
- Spring Boot Application Properties
- Spring Vs Spring Boot
Hibernate Framework
- Introduction to Hibernate, ORM Overview, Hibernate Environment
- Hibernate Architecture & API
- Hibernate Configuration
- Hibernate Sessions
- Persistent Class and Mapping Files
- Building Hibernate Application, Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
- Hibernate O/R Mappings – Collection & Association Mappings
- Many-to-one
- One-to-one
- One-to-Many
- Many-to-Many
- Hibernate Annotations
- Caching
- Named Queries